Can I withdraw my CPF if I leave Singapore?

Like it or not, the Central Provident Fund (CPF) is a key part of Singaporeans’ lives. It ensures Singaporeans contribute steadily towards their own retirement nest egg during their working years and protects their monies against inflation with risk-free guaranteed returns. But what happens to their CPF monies when Singaporeans or Permanent Residents (PR) decide … Read more

How long does it take for CPF to be credited?

If you submit your withdrawal application at least seven working days before your 55th birthday, you will receive your CPF savings in your Singapore bank account via Interbank GIRO within two working days after your birthday.  For members aged 55 and above, if you submit your withdrawal application online, you can choose to receive your CPF … Read more

Can I withdraw my CPF?

Turning 55 is a major milestone in Singapore. If we haven’t already figured out that retirement is on the cusp, CPF does a marvellous job of reminding us by creating a new Retirement Account (RA) for us and transferring our Ordinary Account (OA) and Special Account (SA) balances into it. For many of us, turning … Read more