How to get an offer from a polytechnic before sitting the O levels?

Getting an offer from a polytechnic before sitting the GCE O-Level exams is possible through the Polytechnic Early Admissions Exercise (Poly EAE) in Singapore. Poly EAE allows students to secure a place in a polytechnic course based on their aptitudes, interests, skills, and passion, rather than just their academic grades. Here’s how you can go … Read more

Who is eligible for Poly EAE?

The Polytechnic Early Admissions Exercise (Poly EAE) is a scheme in Singapore that allows students to secure a place in a polytechnic course before their GCE O-Level examination results are released. Poly EAE aims to recognize students’ aptitudes and talents beyond academic grades. Eligibility criteria for Poly EAE can vary slightly between the different polytechnics, … Read more