Can I check owner of a HDB?

You can find out the particulars of the owner of the HDB flat by applying for “Image of HDB Leases” in INLIS. The photocopy of the Lease will show the name of the owner and any encumbrances affecting the property. As Leases are not available in digital format, SLA will send a hardcopy to you by … Read more

Can married couple buy HDB separately?

Unfortunately married couple have to jointly purchase the hdb as a family nucleus due to hdb regulations. You can purchase private property on your own no issue. You may refer to HDB’s eligibility conditions here: Hope this answers your question.

Can you own 2 HDB?

A caveat for HDB owners: Singaporean Citizens cannot concurrently own two HDBs, so your second home will be a private condominium or house. You also can’t buy a second property once you get your HDB, as Singaporean homeowners cannot own both a HDB and private property at the same time if they are still within … Read more