What does local contact mean Singapore visa?

A “local contact” refers to a person or entity based in Singapore who serves as a reference or sponsor for the applicant. The local contact is typically a Singapore citizen, permanent resident, or an entity registered in Singapore. The local contact is eligible to register on SingPass and must be at least 21 years old.

Can I apply for Singapore visa without a local contact?

You can apply for a Singapore visa without a local contact. While having a local contact in Singapore can be helpful, especially for certain types of visas like social visits or business trips, it is not always a strict requirement. For tourist visas, in particular, a local contact is generally not necessary. You can apply … Read more

How do I apply for ICA visa as a local contact?

You can apply for a visa through a local contact in Singapore who is a Singapore citizen or a Permanent Resident in possession of a “SingPass” account. The visa application can be submitted online through your local contact in Singapore via the SAVE system at Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA)’s website. If your application is approved, … Read more