What is the difference between PoA and LPA?

The main difference between PoA (Power of Attorney) and LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney) lies in their duration and scope: In summary, a Power of Attorney (PoA) is typically used for short-term or specific transactions and ceases when the principal becomes incapacitated, while a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is designed to endure and remain … Read more

Can LPA make medical decisions in SIngapore

Yes. A Donee/Donees can be appointed by a Donor to act in the two broad areas of personal welfare and property & affairs matters.​ A Donee is able to transact on a Donor’s behalf only when the Donor has been certified by a registered medical practitioner to have lost mental capacity. ​A Lasting Power of Attorney is particularly important for patients … Read more

Do you need a lawyer for LPA?

It is possible to create an LPA without a lawyer’s involvement, consulting with a legal professional can be beneficial in ensuring the document is correctly and appropriately prepared. Here are some considerations: However, in Singapore, there are resources and online platforms provided by government agencies to create and register LPAs without the need for a … Read more