Is N-level equivalent to O-Level?

The GCE N-level (General Certificate of Education Normal Level) is not equivalent to the GCE O-level (General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level). The N-level examination is taken by students in Singapore at the end of their four years of secondary education. It is typically taken by students who are on the Normal (Academic) or Normal … Read more

Who takes N levels?

The GCE N-level (General Certificate of Education Normal Level) examination is taken by students in Singapore who have completed four years of secondary education. It is typically taken by students at the end of Secondary 4 (or equivalent), which is around the age of 16. Students who take the N-level examination are usually on the … Read more

Can I go poly with N-level?

It is possible to pursue a Polytechnic education in Singapore with an N-level qualification. The N-level qualification is typically obtained after completing the Secondary 4 Normal (Academic) or Normal (Technical) curriculum. After obtaining your N-level results, you can apply for admission to a Polytechnic through the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) or the Joint Polytechnic Special … Read more