Is the Monetary Authority of Singapore independent?

Monetary Authority of Singapore The country of Singapore’s operating central bank is known as the Monetary Authority of Singapore (or simply MAS in its abbreviated form) and was established in 1971 to take the control of money and finance out of the government’s hands and in to a well regulated institution comparable to the central banks of other countries. … Read more

Is Monetary Authority of Singapore a central bank?

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is the central bank and financial regulatory authority of Singapore. It administers the various statutes pertaining to money, banking, insurance, securities and the financial sector in general, as well as currency issuance. It was established in 1971 to act as the Government of Singapore’s banker. Role of the MAS As ML/TF threats continue to evolve, MAS periodically issues … Read more

What are the objectives of the Monetary Authority of Singapore?

What We Do The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) promotes sustained, non-inflationary economic growth through appropriate monetary policy formulation and close macroeconomic surveillance of emerging trends and potential vulnerabilities. What We Do The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is Singapore’s central bank and integrated financial regulator. As central bank, MAS promotes sustained, non-inflationary economic growth … Read more