What is the rank of SUTD in Singapore?

The Singapore University of Technology and Design ranked 4th in Singapore, 1523rd in the global 2023 rating, and scored in the TOP 50% across 76 research topics.

Is Singapore Management University worth it?

Whether Singapore Management University (SMU) is worth it depends on a variety of factors, including your academic and career goals, the programs offered by SMU, your personal preferences, and your financial situation. Here are a few considerations to help you make an informed decision: Ultimately, “worth” is a subjective measure that varies from person to … Read more

Is it hard to get into Singapore Management University?

Getting into Singapore Management University (SMU) can be competitive, as it is a reputable university with a limited number of available spots for each academic year. The exact difficulty level can vary depending on several factors: To increase your chances of getting accepted to SMU, it’s important to prepare a well-rounded and strong application. This … Read more