Has Australia had a female attorney-general?

Australia has indeed had female attorneys-general at both the federal and state/territory levels. Here are a few notable female attorneys-general in Australia and some of their achievements: Sen. Michaelia Clare Cash: Sen. Michaelia Clare Cash served as the Attorney-General of Australia from 30 March 2021 to 23 May 2022. She has also been actively involved … Read more

What is the difference between the attorney-general and the solicitor general of Australia?

In Australia, the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General are two distinct legal officers who hold important roles within the legal and government systems. Here are the key differences between the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General of Australia: Attorney-General: Role: The Attorney-General is a senior government minister and a member of the Cabinet. This position is typically held … Read more

What does Attorney-General’s Department do?

The Attorney-General’s Department in Australia is a key government agency responsible for various legal, justice, and national security matters. Its functions and responsibilities encompass a wide range of areas, and it plays a crucial role in supporting the Australian government and its policies. Here are some of the primary functions and activities of the Attorney-General’s … Read more