What are the five safety guidelines for pedestrians?

Here are five safety guidelines for pedestrians:

  1. Use designated crossing areas: Cross the road at designated pedestrian crossings, such as zebra crossings, crosswalks, or traffic signals, whenever possible. These areas are specifically designed to enhance pedestrian safety.
  2. Observe traffic signals and signs: Follow traffic signals and signs when crossing the road. Wait for the green signal or the walk symbol before crossing, and avoid crossing when the signal indicates “don’t walk” or “stop.”
  3. Make eye contact with drivers: Before stepping onto the road, establish eye contact with drivers to ensure that they have seen you and are aware of your intention to cross. This helps reduce the risk of accidents caused by miscommunication.
  4. Stay alert and avoid distractions: Avoid using electronic devices, such as smartphones or headphones, that can distract you from your surroundings. Stay attentive to the traffic, listen for approaching vehicles, and be aware of any potential hazards.
  5. Be visible and predictable: Wear bright or reflective clothing, especially during low-light conditions or at night, to make yourself more visible to drivers. Also, follow a predictable path when crossing, maintaining a straight line and avoiding sudden changes in direction.

By following these guidelines, pedestrians can enhance their safety and reduce the risk of accidents while navigating roadways.