What are the objectives of the Monetary Authority of Singapore?

What We Do

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) promotes sustained, non-inflationary economic growth through appropriate monetary policy formulation and close macroeconomic surveillance of emerging trends and potential vulnerabilities.

What We Do

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is Singapore’s central bank and integrated financial regulator.

As central bank, MAS promotes sustained, non-inflationary economic growth through the conduct of monetary policy and close macroeconomic surveillance and analysis. It manages Singapore’s exchange rate, official foreign reserves, and liquidity in the banking sector.

As an integrated financial supervisor, MAS fosters a sound financial services sector through its prudential oversight of all financial institutions in Singapore – banks, insurers, capital market intermediaries, financial advisors, and stock exchanges. It is also responsible for well-functioning financial markets, sound conduct, and investor education.

MAS also works with the financial industry to promote Singapore as a dynamic international financial centre. It facilitates the development of infrastructure, adoption of technology, and upgrading of skills in the financial industry.

Our Functions

  • To act as the central bank of Singapore, including the conduct of monetary policy, the issuance of currency, the oversight of payment systems and serving as banker to and financial agent of the Government.
  • To conduct integrated supervision of financial services and financial stability surveillance.
  • To manage the official foreign reserves of Singapore.
  • To develop Singapore as an international financial centre.


The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Act gives MAS the authority to regulate the financial services sector in Singapore.

See also  Is Monetary Authority of Singapore a central bank?