What are the pedestrian laws of the road?

In South Africa, pedestrians are subject to the following laws and regulations when using the road:

  1. Right of way: Pedestrians have the right of way on pedestrian crossings, including zebra crossings, and drivers must yield to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross at these designated areas.
  2. Crossing at designated areas: Pedestrians should use designated crossing points, such as pedestrian crossings, footbridges, or traffic signals, when available. It is illegal to jaywalk or cross the road in undesignated areas.
  3. Traffic signals and signs: Pedestrians must obey traffic signals and signs when crossing the road. They should wait for the walk signal or green light before crossing and should not cross when the signal indicates “don’t walk” or “stop.”
  4. Care and caution: Pedestrians should exercise care and caution when crossing the road. They should look in both directions for approaching vehicles, make eye contact with drivers, and ensure that it is safe to cross before proceeding.
  5. Alcohol and drug impairment: It is illegal for pedestrians to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while using the road. Impaired pedestrians may be liable for fines or penalties.
  6. Sidewalk usage: Pedestrians should use sidewalks whenever available. If there is no sidewalk, they should walk facing oncoming traffic, as close to the edge of the road as possible.
  7. Prohibited actions: Pedestrians should not obstruct or interfere with the flow of traffic, intentionally cause a vehicle to stop or swerve, or step suddenly into the path of a vehicle, unless it is safe to do so.

It’s important for pedestrians to familiarize themselves with local traffic laws and regulations and to exercise caution when using the road to ensure their own safety and the safety of others.