What do you need to declare at customs Singapore?

When entering Singapore, you are required to declare certain items at customs. The following are some of the items that must be declared:

  1. Any tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, and loose tobacco.
  2. Any alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, and spirits.
  3. Any controlled drugs, including prescription medications that contain psychotropic substances or narcotics.
  4. Any firearms, explosives, or weapons.
  5. Any animals, animal products, or plants, including food products.
  6. Any large amounts of cash or other monetary instruments.
  7. Any goods that exceed the duty-free allowance.

It is important to note that failure to declare any of these items may result in fines or even imprisonment. If you are unsure whether an item needs to be declared, it is always best to check with the customs officials or visit the Singapore Customs website for more information.

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