What do you write in special consideration when applying?

When applying for special consideration, whether it’s for a job, university admission, an exam, or any other circumstance, it’s important to be clear and concise in your request while providing relevant information.

Here are some key points to include in a special consideration request:

  1. Introduction:
    • Start with a polite and respectful salutation.
    • Clearly state the purpose of your letter, i.e., that you are requesting special consideration.
  2. Explanation:
    • Explain the specific circumstances or reasons that warrant special consideration. Be honest and provide a detailed account of what happened. Use a clear and factual tone.
    • If applicable, provide any supporting documentation, such as medical certificates, police reports, or other evidence that can substantiate your request.
  3. Impact:
    • Describe how the circumstances you’re explaining have affected your ability to meet the standard requirements or expectations.
    • Emphasize the temporary nature of the circumstances if they are, and explain how they are unlikely to recur.
  4. Request:
    • Clearly state what you are requesting. For example, if you’re requesting an extension on a deadline, specify the new deadline you’re proposing.
    • If you’re requesting a different form of accommodation or consideration, be specific about what you need.
  5. Apology (if applicable):
    • If your circumstances resulted from a mistake or error on your part, it’s often appropriate to express regret or apologize for any inconvenience caused.
  6. Relevance:
    • Explain why the special consideration is necessary and how it will help you to perform or achieve better.
  7. Contact Information:
    • Provide your contact details, including your email address and phone number, so that the relevant authority can reach out to you if they have further questions or need clarification.
  8. Conclusion:
    • Thank the recipient for considering your request.
    • End the letter with a polite closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Yours faithfully,” followed by your full name and signature (if it’s a physical letter).
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Remember to tailor your special consideration request to the specific situation and the institution or organization you’re addressing. It’s also a good idea to follow any specific guidelines or procedures provided by the institution or organization for submitting special consideration requests. Be respectful, honest, and concise in your communication, and provide any necessary documentation to support your case.