What does it mean on Twitter rate limit exceeded?

When you receive the error message “Rate limit exceeded” on Twitter, it means that you have exceeded the allowed number of requests within a specific time period. Twitter enforces rate limits to prevent abuse, ensure fair usage, and maintain the stability of their platform.

The rate limit exceeded error typically occurs when you make API requests to Twitter’s endpoints at a frequency or volume that surpasses the predefined limit for that endpoint. Each endpoint has its own specific rate limit, which can vary depending on the type of request and the level of access you have.

When you encounter the rate limit exceeded error, Twitter temporarily restricts your access to the specific endpoint that you exceeded the rate limit for. This restriction is imposed to prevent excessive usage and ensure a balanced experience for all users.

To resolve the rate limit exceeded error, you need to wait until the rate limit resets. The duration of the reset depends on the specific endpoint and can vary. Once the rate limit is reset, you will be able to make requests to that endpoint again. It’s crucial to adjust your usage patterns to stay within the allowed rate limits to avoid encountering this error in the future.

See also  How long will the Twitter rate limit last?