What does the Housing Development Board do?

The Housing Development Board (HDB) is a statutory board in Singapore responsible for public housing development and management. Established in 1960, the HDB plays a crucial role in Singapore’s urban planning and housing policies.

The main responsibilities of the HDB include:

  1. Public Housing Development: The HDB plans, designs, and constructs affordable public housing to meet the housing needs of Singapore’s population. These housing estates, known as HDB estates or towns, provide quality, well-designed, and affordable homes for Singaporeans.
  2. Homeownership Programs: The HDB administers various homeownership schemes to help Singaporeans own their homes. These schemes include the Build-to-Order (BTO) system, where flats are offered to eligible buyers at subsidized prices, as well as the Sale of Balance Flats (SBF) and Re-Offer of Balance Flats (ROF) exercises. The HDB also manages the resale market for public housing, facilitating the buying and selling of HDB flats.
  3. Town Planning and Development: The HDB is involved in the planning and development of new towns and residential areas. They consider factors such as population growth, infrastructure requirements, amenities, and green spaces to create self-contained and sustainable communities.
  4. Upgrading and Estate Renewal: The HDB oversees upgrading programs and estate renewal initiatives to improve the living environment in older HDB estates. These programs aim to enhance amenities, rejuvenate estates, and introduce new facilities and features to keep up with changing needs and aspirations.
  5. Rental Flats: The HDB manages rental flats for low-income families and individuals who are unable to afford homeownership. The rental flats provide affordable temporary accommodation options.
  6. Public Housing Policies and Regulations: The HDB formulates policies, regulations, and guidelines related to public housing. They ensure that housing standards are met, oversee eligibility criteria for various housing schemes, and enforce rules to maintain the integrity and sustainability of public housing estates.
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Overall, the Housing Development Board plays a pivotal role in Singapore’s public housing sector, providing affordable and quality homes for the majority of the population and contributing to the social and economic well-being of Singaporeans.