What happens if I forget to tap out Ezlink?

In Singapore, the EZ-Link card is a contactless smart card used for the payment of public transportation fares. Forgetting to tap out the EZ-Link card at the end of a journey can result in a higher fare being charged. This is because the system calculates the fare based on the distance traveled, and if the tap out is not registered, it assumes the maximum possible distance, resulting in a higher fare deduction from the card.

However, the good news is that if you realize your mistake and contact the customer service of the respective transport service provider, you may be able to get a refund for the excess fare charged. You can usually do this within a specific time frame, so it’s essential to check the specific guidelines for refund procedures on the official EZ-Link website or contact their customer service for further assistance.

To avoid this situation, it’s important to make a habit of tapping your EZ-Link card both at the start and at the end of your journey. This ensures that the correct fare is deducted from your card and helps you avoid unnecessary inconvenience and additional charges.