What is MediSave?

MediSave is Singapore’s national medical savings scheme that helps Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents set aside a portion of their monthly income to pay for their own or their immediate family’s medical care expenses. This includes hospitalisation fees, outpatient or day surgery expenses, and even healthcare needs for the elderly. 

Unlike other financial assistance schemes in Singapore that require applicants to apply to receive aid, MediSave works in a slightly different way. As long as you are already a CPF member, you automatically contribute a part of your salary to your MediSave Account (MA) each month. This works in the same way as your CPF contributions, where a percentage of your salary is immediately deducted monthly and deposited into your CPF accounts. 

The withdrawal limits under this scheme have been set carefully to safeguard the savings of each individual and ensure that they still have a sufficient amount in their accounts for their basic healthcare needs in old age. Generally, the withdrawal limits are sufficient to cover the medical fees incurred for outpatient treatments and subsidised inpatient wards. 

Where can I use my MediSave?

MediSave can be used almost anywhere in Singapore. You can use it at all public healthcare institutions, approved medical clinics and private hospitals. This includes day surgery centres, dental day surgery centres, government-funded community hospitals, convalescent hospitals, dialysis centres, oncology clinics and clinical laboratories, colonoscopy centres, and day rehabilitation centres for the elderly. 

Click here to view the full list of healthcare institutions in Singapore participating in the Medisave Scheme. 

See also  Can I use MediSave for polyclinic?