What is not allowed to bring into Singapore?

There are several items that are not allowed to be brought into Singapore. These include:

  1. Chewing gum – It is illegal to bring chewing gum into Singapore, except for therapeutic purposes and with a doctor’s prescription.
  2. Controlled drugs and psychotropic substances – All controlled drugs, including prescription medication that contains psychotropic substances, are prohibited without prior approval from the Health Sciences Authority.
  3. Pornographic materials – It is illegal to bring in any pornographic material into Singapore.
  4. Pirated goods – Any unauthorized or pirated goods, including CDs, DVDs, and software, are prohibited.
  5. Fireworks and explosives – Any fireworks or explosive devices, including firecrackers, are prohibited.
  6. Endangered species – It is illegal to bring in any endangered species, their parts, or products made from them, without the necessary permits.
  7. Weapons – Any weapons, including firearms and their parts, are prohibited without prior approval from the relevant authorities.
  8. Any item that is deemed to be a security threat.

It is important to note that attempting to bring in any of these prohibited items into Singapore may result in fines, imprisonment, or both. It is always best to check with the Singapore Customs website or with the relevant authorities if you are unsure whether an item can be brought into Singapore.

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