What is the asbestos Safety and Eradication Act 2013?

The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Act 2013 is an Australian federal law enacted to manage and regulate asbestos-related issues, promote asbestos safety, and work toward the eradication of asbestos-related diseases and asbestos-containing materials. The Act establishes a national framework for asbestos management and safety in Australia.

Key provisions and objectives of the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Act 2013 include:

  1. National Asbestos Management Review: The Act provides for the establishment of a National Asbestos Review to assess the national framework for asbestos management and make recommendations for improvements.
  2. Asbestos Management Plans: The Act requires that owners and managers of workplaces, public buildings, and residential premises with common areas develop and implement asbestos management plans to identify, manage, and control asbestos-containing materials on their premises.
  3. Asbestos Register: Persons with management or control of premises must maintain an asbestos register, which records the location and condition of asbestos-containing materials on the premises.
  4. Licensing and Training: The Act sets out requirements for licensing and training of asbestos removalists and assessors. It aims to ensure that asbestos removal and assessment activities are carried out by trained and qualified individuals.
  5. Prohibition of Asbestos Importation: The Act empowers the Australian Government to prohibit the importation of asbestos or asbestos-containing materials into the country, with some limited exceptions.
  6. National Asbestos Awareness Program: The Act establishes a national asbestos awareness program to educate the public and raise awareness about the risks associated with asbestos exposure.
  7. National Asbestos Exposure Register: The Act enables the establishment of a national asbestos exposure register to record information about individuals who believe they have been exposed to asbestos.
  8. Compliance and Enforcement: The Act provides for compliance measures and enforcement mechanisms to ensure that individuals and organizations adhere to the asbestos management and safety requirements.
  9. Asbestos Eradication: While the Act primarily focuses on safety and management, it also includes provisions related to long-term asbestos eradication goals, aiming to reduce the presence of asbestos-containing materials in the environment.
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The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Act 2013 was a significant step in addressing the ongoing asbestos issue in Australia, where asbestos was widely used in construction and other industries until its health hazards became widely recognized.

The Act complements state and territory regulations and provides a consistent national approach to asbestos management, safety, and awareness. It aims to protect the health and safety of Australians by reducing the risks associated with asbestos exposure and facilitating the safe removal and management of asbestos-containing materials.