What is the Australian Digital Health Agency PGPA rule?

The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) operates under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act), which is a key piece of legislation governing the financial and performance management of Australian government entities. The PGPA Act sets out the rules and principles for financial management, accountability, and performance reporting by government agencies.

While the PGPA Act provides a broad framework for the governance and accountability of government agencies, it does not contain specific rules or provisions related to the ADHA. Instead, the ADHA operates under its own legislation and governing documents, including the Australian Digital Health Agency Act 2016.

The Australian Digital Health Agency Act 2016 establishes the ADHA as a separate legal entity and outlines its functions, powers, and governance arrangements. This legislation specifically relates to the establishment and operation of the ADHA and its role in managing the national digital health system, including the My Health Record system.

Therefore, while the PGPA Act is a fundamental piece of legislation for Australian government agencies, the specific rules and regulations governing the Australian Digital Health Agency are primarily outlined in the Australian Digital Health Agency Act 2016 and related documents, rather than the PGPA Act.

If you have specific questions or need detailed information about the ADHA’s governance and operations, it is advisable to consult the agency’s official documents and contact them directly for clarification.

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