What is the board of architects

The Board of Architects (BOA) in Singapore is a statutory board under the Ministry of National Development. Its primary role is to regulate the architectural profession in Singapore and ensure that architects registered with the board are qualified and competent to practice.

The BOA was established under the Architects Act in 1991 and is responsible for various functions, including:

  1. Registration of architects and architectural firms
  2. Accreditation of architecture degree programs offered by local and foreign universities
  3. Development of professional standards and codes of conduct for architects
  4. Enforcement of professional standards and conduct through disciplinary proceedings
  5. Promotion of public awareness and understanding of the architectural profession

The BOA is also responsible for promoting and maintaining the standards of architectural education in Singapore, as well as developing and administering examinations for registration as an architect.

In summary, the Board of Architects in Singapore plays a crucial role in regulating the architectural profession and ensuring that architects registered with the board are qualified and competent to practice.

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