What is the fine for littering in NEA?

The fine for littering in Singapore is governed by the Environmental Public Health (Public Cleansing) Regulations, which are enforced by the National Environment Agency (NEA). It’s important to note that fines and regulations may have been updated since then, so I recommend referring to official sources or contacting NEA for the most current information. However, as of my knowledge cutoff, the penalties for littering in Singapore were as follows:

  1. First-time Offense: A composition fine of S$300 may be issued to the offender as an alternative to prosecution. The composition fine is a means of settling the offense without having to go to court.
  2. Subsequent Offenses: For subsequent littering offenses, the penalties increase. The offender may face higher composition fines or be liable for prosecution in court. The specific fines and penalties for subsequent offenses are typically higher than for the first offense.

In addition to fines, offenders may also be required to undergo Corrective Work Order (CWO) or attend an Environmental Public Health (EPH) Talk as part of the enforcement process. These measures aim to educate offenders about the importance of maintaining cleanliness and good public hygiene practices.

Littering is taken seriously in Singapore, and efforts are made to maintain a clean and litter-free environment. It is essential to dispose of waste properly in designated bins and follow the regulations to avoid penalties.

To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the fines for littering in NEA-regulated areas, I recommend visiting the NEA website or contacting them directly. They will be able to provide you with the latest information on the penalties and regulations in place.