What is the fine for Mosquito breeding in Singapore?

Inspecting your homes and premises for mosquito habitats

What do dengue inspection officers do when they enter your residence or premise?

Upon obtaining permission to enter your home, our officer will:

  • Inform that they would focus their checks at areas where there could be potential breeding habitats.
  • Request that you accompany them on their inspection at all times.
  • Provide advice on steps you can take to prevent mosquito breeding.

Upon detection of mosquito breeding habitat, our officer will:

  • Show the mosquito breeding habitat to you. Do not attempt to pour away the water with larvae or pupae.
  • Show you an empty vial which will be used to collect a sample of the larvae or pupae.
  • Collect a sample of the larvae or pupae into the vial which will be sealed in your presence and sent to the laboratory for testing.
  • Request for your identification as breeding of vectors is an offence under the law. If samples collected are those of mosquitoes or other vectors, a fine will be issued to you in due course. We will not request for any payment of fines on the spot.

Empty vialEmpty Bottle

Sealed vial

How to identify NEA’s dengue inspection officers?
Our officers will identify themselves with their NEA Authority Card and explain the purpose of their visit. 

They will only enter your homes or premises with your consent and accompaniment. You may call us at 6225 5632 to verify the officer’s identity before letting them into your residence or premise. 
Penalties that you may face if mosquito breeding is found in your home or premises 
If your premises are found with mosquito breeding, you may be fined up to $5,000 or imprisoned for a term not exceeding 3 months or both, under the Control of Vectors and Pesticides Act (CVPA).
If your place of residence is found with mosquito breeding, you may be issued a fine in the form of a Notice to Attend Court. Owners or occupiers of premises will be notified through mail if enforcement action will be taken. 
See also  How do I report a mosquito infestation in Singapore?