What is the low income criteria in Singapore?

The term “low-income” is vague, due to there being a great degree of subjectivity regarding what would constitute a “low income”. In Singapore, a general metric to gauge if a person/family falls into the “low income” category would be if said person/family had a monthly household income of $1,900 and below or a per capita income of $650 and below. There are different income thresholds used to define various assistance schemes and programs in Singapore. Here are some examples of income criteria based on different schemes:

  1. ComCare Assistance: ComCare is a government assistance scheme that provides financial aid to low-income individuals and families in Singapore. The income criteria for ComCare assistance varies depending on factors such as household size and composition. For example, a family of four may be eligible if their monthly household income is below S$1,900.
  2. Public Rental Scheme: The Public Rental Scheme provides affordable rental housing to low-income Singaporean citizens. The income criteria for eligibility are based on the average gross monthly household income. For instance, as of September 2022, the criteria for a 2-room flat is a gross monthly household income of up to S$1,500.
  3. Workfare Income Supplement (WIS): WIS is a government scheme that supplements the income of low-wage workers. The eligibility for WIS is based on the individual’s average gross monthly income and the total assessable income of his or her immediate family members. The specific income criteria for WIS change annually.

For more detailed information, it’s recommended to refer to the official government websites or contacting relevant government agencies in Singapore, such as the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) or the Housing & Development Board (HDB).