What is the minimum GPA for NUS?

To graduate, an undergraduate student must have a minimum GPA of 2.00. To remain in good academic standing, and to continue in an undergraduate programme of study, a student may not have:

  • GPA below 2.00 (but ≥ 1.50) for three consecutive semesters; or
  • GPA below 1.50 for two consecutive semesters.

For any semester in which the student’s GPA falls below 2.00 (but ≥ 1.50), that student will be issued an academic warning. If, in the following semester, the student’s GPA again falls below 2.00, s/he will be placed on probation. If the student’s GPA remains below 2.00 for the third consecutive semester, the student will be issued a letter of dismissal by the Registrar and denied re-admission.

For students whose GPA falls below 1.50 for two consecutive semesters, they will be placed on probation for the first semester, followed by dismissal in the second semester.

See also  What GPA do you need to get into NTU?