What is the threshold for Health Care Card?

Among the several different health Care Cards such as Medicare Card, Low Income Healthcare Card, Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, and Department of Veterans’ Affairs Health Card issued to Australian residents is also the Health Care Card.

The Health Care Card is provided to individuals who receive specific government payments or allowances and is automatically issued to people who are not qualified for a Pensioner Concession Card, and are receiving:

  • Newstart Allowance, Partner Allowance, Sickness Allowance, Widow Allowance, Youth Allowance, Austudy, ABSTUDY Living Allowance, Mobility Allowance, Special Benefit, or Parenting Payment (partnered);
  • Carer Allowance (child),
  • Carer Payment (child) on a short-term or episodic basis;
  • Exceptional Circumstances Relief Payment, Farm Household Allowance, Family Tax Benefit Part A (by fortnightly installments and whose family income is below the Family Tax Benefit Part A lower income free area).
  • Disability Support Pension, or Parenting Payment.

The threshold for a Healthcare Card is the same for the Low Income Healthcare Card as follows:

When claiming and renewing a card

Status Weekly income
Single, no children $702.00
Couple combined, no children $1,204.00
Single, one dependent child $1,204.00
Couple combined, one child $1,238.00
For each extra child, add $34.00

When you have a card

tatus Weekly income
Single, no children $877.50
Couple combined, no children $1,505.00
Single, one dependent child $1,505.00
Couple combined, one child $1,547.50
For each extra dependent child, add $42.50

It’s important to note that these figures are approximate and may have changed. To obtain the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding the income thresholds for a Healthcare Card in Australia, I recommend visiting the official website of Services Australia (previously known as the Department of Human Services) or contacting them directly. They are the government agency responsible for administering healthcare-related benefits and services, including the Low Income Health Care Card.