What is the Workers Party?

The Workers’ Party (WP) in Singapore is one of the major opposition political parties in the country. It was founded in 1957 by David Marshall, and has been a significant force in Singaporean politics ever since. The party’s primary objective is to provide an alternative voice and representation to the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP), which has been in power since Singapore’s independence in 1965.

The Workers’ Party advocates for various social and economic policies that aim to improve the welfare of Singaporean citizens, promote workers’ rights, and ensure a more inclusive society. They have been vocal about issues such as income inequality, affordable housing, healthcare, and education.

The party has participated in parliamentary elections, and over the years, it has managed to win several seats in the Parliament, allowing them to be the main opposition party. By having elected Members of Parliament (MPs), they can raise concerns, propose alternative policies, and scrutinize the government’s actions in the legislative process.