What is VEP Autopass?

The Singapore VEP (also known as the Vehicle Entry Permit in long form) is the official entry pass for any Malaysian-registered vehicle to enter Singapore. Everyone who intends to drive from Malaysia to Singapore needs to know about the Singapore VEP. This is why we have come up with some information to guide you on your journey across the border successfully.

Singapore VEP: Must-Knows for the Primary Driver / Hirer of Rental Car

  1. It is the car hirer’s responsibility to ensure that they purchase a Singapore VEP upon arrival at the immigration checkpoint of Singapore.
  2. It is also the hirer’s duty to ensure that the Singapore VEP is presented upon exiting Singapore back to Malaysia.
  3. A vehicle needs to meet all entry requirements of Singapore as directed by the Land Transport Authority (LTA). With a Hawk rental car, rest assured you are getting a top notch car with all necessary paperwork done and requirements met.
  4. The hirer of the rental car is not required to show any insurance cover nor any documents upon arrival at the border. There will be officers stationed at the customs who will approach your rental car to inspect the road tax on the windscreen.
  5. To purchase the Singapore VEP, the hirer will be given a form to fill up. You are required to pay a small fee of SGD10, which on top of the permit also includes a card called the Autopass. You will need to clock in with this card once passing the gate. Your vehicle is now legally permitted to enter Singapore.
  6. The Autopass card contains a top-up value of SGD6. The card can be topped up at any petrol station or any 7-Eleven convenience stores. It can be used for:
    1. Singapore VEP fees
    2. Toll charges
    3. Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) fees on priced roads
    4. Car park fees in all major hotels, open-air carparks, shopping malls and more.
  7. The Autopass card is mandatory for parking your car in Singapore. When you exit and clock out from the gate, you must ensure that you have sufficient amount of money in the card depending on your length of stay and total expenditure in Singapore.
  8. At certain peak hours of the day, for example 9 – 10am or 5 – 7pm, there are many central roads in the city that undergo the Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system to minimize traffic volume in heavily used roads in the CBD and Orchard Road areas, as well as major expressways. You will be charged a fee and the vehicle you are driving needs to have at least 4 passengers in the car. The fee can only be charged when you have an Autopass slotted into the In-Vehicle Unit (IU). The hirer needs to be aware of such a road pricing system in Singapore and avoid the central part of the city to avoid being charged a fee.
  9. Every Malaysian-registered vehicle is given 10 free days in Singapore. When you purchase a Singapore VEP, your car number is registered in the system. You will not be charged anything for the first 10 days. The number of days will be deducted based on your duration in the country. However, on the 11th day onwards, you will be charged SGD35 for every day spent in Singapore. The rates are revised occasionally, click here to check on the latest revisions to the rates.
  10. Upon purchasing the Singapore VEP, you will be given a booklet that contains all the do’s and don’ts of driving in Singapore. Make sure you hold onto the contents of the booklet tightly as Singapore is very serious about law enforcement.
See also  How to renew Autopass online

Please remember to bring along a valid passport when you decide to cross the border – otherwise risk losing out on the fun that awaits across the straits!

As with any border control, no prohibited and controlled items are allowed in the car. Here’s a tip: If you are a smoker, you are only allowed to bring one open pack of cigarettes into Singapore. You can either be fined for possessing more than one pack or have them confiscated by the officer. Also, no chewing gums are allowed into Singapore.

Processing time for VEP applications 

The processing time for vehicle entry permits (VEP), which foreign-registered vehicles need to enter Singapore, has been reduced from three weeks to five days as the number of applications has steadily decreased.

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) said on Friday (May 6) that it has received around 165,000 VEP applications since March 31, when applications opened, and 97 per cent of the applicants, or 160,000 of them, received the outcomes of their applications ahead of the stated processing time.

It did not say how many applications were approved or rejected.