When can we call 999?

In Singapore, you can call 999 for emergencies that require immediate assistance from the police, fire department, or ambulance services. This emergency number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is meant for situations where there is a threat to life, property, or public safety. Here are some examples of situations in which you should call 999:

  1. Medical Emergencies: If someone is seriously injured or experiencing a life-threatening medical condition, such as a heart attack, stroke, severe bleeding, or unconsciousness.
  2. Fire or Explosion: If there is a fire, explosion, or any other situation involving hazardous materials that poses an immediate danger.
  3. Criminal Activity: If you witness a crime in progress or if you are in immediate danger due to criminal activity, such as a robbery, assault, or burglary.
  4. Traffic Accidents: If you are involved in a serious traffic accident, especially if there are injuries or the accident is blocking traffic and creating a hazard.
  5. Violence or Threats: If you are a victim of violence or threats, or if you witness a situation where someone’s safety is at risk due to violent behavior.
  6. Suicidal Intentions: If you believe someone is at risk of harming themselves or attempting suicide.
  7. Natural Disasters: During natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, or severe storms, if you require immediate assistance or rescue.
  8. Any Life-Threatening Situation: In any situation where there is an immediate threat to life, property, or public safety, and you need urgent help.

When calling 999, it’s essential to stay calm, provide the operator with clear and accurate information, and follow their instructions. Be prepared to provide your location, the nature of the emergency, and any relevant details to help emergency responders provide assistance as quickly as possible.

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For non-emergency situations or to report non-life-threatening incidents, you can contact the appropriate government agency or use the non-emergency hotline numbers provided by various agencies in Singapore. Always reserve 999 for situations that require immediate and urgent assistance.