Where do submariners train?

Submariners in Australia receive their specialized training at the Submarine Training and Systems Centre (STSC), which is located in Western Australia. The STSC is the primary training facility for the Royal Australian Navy’s submariners. Here are some key details about the Submarine Training and Systems Centre in Australia:

Location: The Submarine Training and Systems Centre is situated in the suburb of HMAS Stirling, near the town of Rockingham, in Western Australia. HMAS Stirling is the Royal Australian Navy’s primary base for its submarine fleet, making it an ideal location for submariner training.

Functions: The STSC serves several important functions in training and supporting Australia’s submariners:

  1. Training: It provides comprehensive training programs for submariners, encompassing a wide range of topics, including submarine systems, operations, safety procedures, and emergency protocols.
  2. Simulator Facilities: The centre is equipped with advanced simulator facilities, which allow submariners to simulate various aspects of submarine operations and emergency scenarios in a controlled environment.
  3. Hands-On Training: Submariners receive practical, hands-on training aboard submarines stationed at HMAS Stirling, where they learn to operate and maintain the equipment, systems, and weaponry of Australian submarines.
  4. Qualification: Submariners undergo a rigorous qualification process to demonstrate their competency in various aspects of submarine operations. Earning their “dolphins” (submarine warfare insignia) signifies their qualification as submariners.
  5. Ongoing Professional Development: The STSC also supports the ongoing professional development of submariners, ensuring they stay updated on new technologies and procedures.

Overall, the Submarine Training and Systems Centre in Western Australia plays a pivotal role in preparing and maintaining the proficiency of Royal Australian Navy submariners. It is essential for the safety, readiness, and effectiveness of Australia’s submarine fleet.

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