Who is eligible for bursary in Singapore?

In Singapore, eligibility for bursaries can vary depending on the institution offering the bursary, as well as the specific criteria set by the organization or institution. However, some common eligibility criteria for bursaries in Singapore might include:

  1. Financial Need:
    • Many bursaries prioritize students with demonstrated financial need. This need can be assessed based on family income, financial circumstances, and other factors affecting the student’s ability to afford education.
  2. Academic Performance:
    • Some bursaries might consider academic achievements or merit as part of the eligibility criteria. Students with a good academic record may be eligible for certain bursaries.
  3. Course of Study:
    • Certain bursaries might be specific to particular fields of study or courses. For example, there might be bursaries available for students pursuing specific disciplines or programs.
  4. Citizenship/Residency:
    • Bursaries might be available to Singaporean citizens, Permanent Residents (PRs), or international students studying in Singapore. Some bursaries may have restrictions based on citizenship or residency status.
  5. Community Involvement or Extracurricular Activities:
    • Some bursaries may consider a student’s involvement in community service, leadership roles, or participation in extracurricular activities.
  6. Specific Criteria Set by the Donor or Organization:
    • Bursaries established by donors or organizations might have unique criteria based on the donor’s preferences or objectives. These criteria could include factors like specific demographics, interests, or career aspirations.
  7. Applying to Institutions or Organizations:
    • Students usually need to apply for bursaries by submitting applications to their educational institution, relevant government agencies, or external organizations providing the bursaries.

It’s essential for students to check the specific eligibility criteria and application requirements for each bursary they are interested in applying for. Educational institutions, government agencies, charitable organizations, and corporations might offer various bursaries with differing criteria and application processes. Students can typically find detailed information about available bursaries and their eligibility criteria on the respective institutions’ websites or by contacting their financial aid offices.