Why has my police check gone to manual review?

If your police check has gone into manual review, it means that there is some information or aspect of your background check that requires further examination by human reviewers within the police or relevant authority. This manual review process can occur for various reasons, and it’s important to note that each case may be unique.

Here are some common reasons why a police check might go into manual review:

  1. Complex Background: If your background includes complex or unusual circumstances, such as multiple addresses, name changes, or legal issues that need additional verification, the police or the organization responsible for conducting the check may initiate a manual review.
  2. Incomplete or Inaccurate Information: If there are discrepancies or incomplete information in your application, such as errors in your personal details, address history, or identification documentation, it can trigger a manual review to ensure accuracy.
  3. Potential Matches: The automated system used for background checks may have identified potential matches with individuals who have similar names or personal details. A manual review is necessary to confirm whether the information pertains to you or someone else.
  4. Legally Sensitive Information: Some background checks involve sensitive or legally protected information, such as spent convictions or juvenile records. Reviewers may need to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations before disclosing this information.
  5. Customized Checks: Certain organizations or roles may require customized background checks that go beyond standard procedures. These checks can involve more extensive reviews and additional verification steps.
  6. Security or National Security Concerns: In cases where a background check is associated with national security, government security clearances, or sensitive positions, the manual review process may be more stringent to assess potential security risks.
  7. Data Discrepancies: If there are discrepancies or inconsistencies in the data obtained during the automated part of the check, a manual review may be initiated to reconcile the information.
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It’s important to understand that a manual review is a standard procedure to ensure the accuracy and completeness of background checks. While it may cause a delay in receiving your results, it is conducted to maintain the integrity of the information provided and to prevent errors or incorrect disclosures.

If your police check is under manual review, you may need to wait for the reviewing authority to complete the process. If you have concerns or questions about the status or outcome of your check, it’s advisable to contact the organization or agency responsible for conducting the check for further information and clarification.