EDB Portal

EDB Portal – FAQ

  1. What is the EDB Portal?
    The EDB Portal is a digital platform for companies to conveniently transact with EDB.
    On the portal, you will be able to access official incentive letters, submit claims,
    progress reports and application documents. You will also be able to submit
    manufacturing surveys.

  1. How can I access the EDB Portal?
    You need a CorpPass account to access the EDB Portal. CorpPass (Singapore Corporate
    Pass) is a single corporate digital identity for businesses and other entities (e.g. nonprofit organization and associations) to transact online with Government agencies. You
    can find the CorpPass FAQs here.
    If your business doesn’t have a CorpPass administrator, click here to find out how to
    appoint one.
    Your CorpPass administrator will need to add e-service access to specific CorpPass user
    accounts, and then select an appropriate role for these users, in order for them to
    access EDB Portal services.
    Click here for a detailed guide on the assignment of roles to CorpPass users.
    If you are not sure who is your CorpPass administrator, click here.
    Please note that you will only be able to access the EDB Portal if your company has any
    of the following: (a) an application in progress; (b) an approved grant or tax incentive
    or (c) outstanding manufacturing surveys.

EDB Portal

Log in to EDB Portal

 Note: Before logging in, your Corppass admin will need to add the EDB Portal as an e-service for your entity and assign you one role on Corppass. Click below for guidance on this process.

Guide to set up access to EDB Portal

See also  Economic Development Board

 From 11 April 2021, the login process for Corppass will be changed to verify the user’s identity via Singpass first, before the user can proceed to access and transact with government digital services. For more information, visit go.gov.sg/corporate-login

 Service is offline

Help & Support

New to Corppass? Register here

Check our maintenance schedule

For further assistance, you may fill up a support request here or contact the Portal support team at +65 6832 6065