Is Travelling allowance subject to Socso and EIS?

In Malaysia, the treatment of traveling allowance concerning SOCSO (Social Security Organization) and the Employment Insurance Scheme (EIS) depends on how it’s categorized and paid to employees.

Traveling Allowance and SOCSO:

  1. Fixed and Regular Travel Allowance:
    • If the traveling allowance is a fixed and regular part of an employee’s salary or compensation, it might be subject to SOCSO contributions. In such cases, it could be considered part of the employee’s wages and therefore subject to SOCSO contributions.
  2. Non-Regular or Ad Hoc Travel Reimbursements:
    • Reimbursements or allowances for occasional, non-regular travel expenses, such as specific business trips, might not be considered part of the employee’s wages and thus might not be subject to SOCSO contributions.

Traveling Allowance and EIS:

  1. Inclusion in EIS Contributions:
    • Similar to SOCSO, the treatment of traveling allowances concerning EIS depends on whether it’s a regular part of the employee’s salary. Fixed, regular allowances could be subject to EIS contributions.
  2. Non-Regular Allowances and EIS:
    • Non-regular or specific reimbursements for travel expenses might not be included in EIS contributions.

Important Considerations:

  • The categorization and treatment of traveling allowances regarding SOCSO and EIS depend on how they are defined, documented, and paid within the employment contract and company policies.
  • Employers should carefully determine and categorize traveling allowances to ensure compliance with SOCSO and EIS regulations.

Compliance and Documentation:

  • It’s crucial for employers to maintain accurate records and documentation regarding traveling allowances paid to employees to ensure compliance with SOCSO and EIS regulations.
  • Consultation with legal or HR professionals well-versed in Malaysian labor laws can help determine the appropriate treatment of traveling allowances concerning social security contributions.
See also  What allowances are exempted from SOCSO?

The treatment of traveling allowances regarding SOCSO and EIS contributions can vary based on their nature, frequency, and how they are defined within the employment framework. Employers should ensure compliance with regulations and proper documentation regarding allowances to avoid any potential discrepancies or non-compliance.