All about Temporary Fair Permit

The setup of a temporary fair with stalls for the sale of merchandise items and/or food & beverages requires a permit from SFA

In addition, food stalls with food and beverage preparation/handling at the temporary fair will also requires a licence from SFA.

Submission of online application and supporting documents

All fair and stall applications can be submitted here. You should submit the application at least 2 weeks before the fair commencement date.

All supporting documents must be submitted latest by 12 noon of the working day before the fair commencement date. Any documents submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.


Permit Fee

The permit fee is $60 regardless of fair duration and number of stalls. There is no licence fee for the food stall licence.


Organiser of temporary fairs who needs clarification on the fair application or supporting documents required may submit the enquiry with following details to SFA’s Food Services Department via SFA’s Online Feedback Form for an initial assessment:

  1. Date, time and venue of the event
  2. Site owner
  3. No. of stalls (Please indicate the size for each stall in metres e.g. 2m by 3m);
  4. List of all stall holders (both food and merchandise stalls).

Food and beverages sold at temporary fair

The preparation and handling of food at temporary fair food stalls may be allowed if there are proper supporting facilities such as washing facilities (a sink connected to clean piped water supply and waste water discharge), storage with temperature control (freezer, chiller, food warmer, etc.), as well as covered display showcases for food items.

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As such food are prepared in a temporary set-up, extensive food preparation such as processing and preparation of raw food such as degutting of fish and cutting of raw meat or vegetables are not allowed on site. Fresh seafood and meat must be stored at 4°C and below at all times in a freezer or chiller.

Please refer to the two lists below on (a) Food items which are “Not Allowed” for sale at temporary fairs and (b) Food items which are allowed for sale only if the stipulated conditions are met. SFA will periodically update the list upon our review.

(a) Sale of the following food items are not allowed at temporary fairs

  • Dishes that include ready-to-eat raw fish, seafood or meat, e.g. sushi and sashimi and raw oysters.
  • Dishes that are prepared using a mixture of raw ready-to-eat food items, e.g. salad, Vietnamese/Chinese fresh spring roll, and Chinese/Malay Rojak.
  • Dishes that consist of food items displayed openly at ambient temperature for consumers to hand-pick the food items

(b) Food items which are allowed for sale only if the stipulated conditions are met

S/nType of Dish/DrinkConditions
1Pre-packed iceOnly pre-packed food grade ice from ice factories can be used, and they must be clearly labelled.
For ice used for food preparation, only ice cube or tube shall be permitted.
Pre-packed ice should preferably be stored in the freezer. If other storage containers are used, it shall only be used for the purpose of storage of ice and storage must be in such a manner that does not give rise to contamination.
2Milk-based drinksAll milk and milk-based drinks must be kept at 4°C and below.Dispensers for drinks should be equipped with temperature control.Bottled drinks should preferably be stored in a chiller with temperature gauge.
3Pre-mixed drinksPre-mixed drinks shall be obtained from approved sources. Preparation of drinks must not be carried out on the floor and must not give rise to any spillage, and/or other cleanliness and hygiene issues.
Drinks must be dispensed using dispensers. Scooping of drinks from the tub is not permitted.
4Drinks that are prepared per cup upon orderEquipment used for preparation of such drinks, such as blenders and mixers, must be washed after each use.
Syrups and other liquid toppings used must be dispensed from pump dispensers, squirt bottles and/or capped bottles.
5Shaved ice dessertsOnly the use of enclosed ice-shaving machine is permitted. There must not be any shaving/handling of exposed ice blocks.
Syrups and other liquid toppings used must be dispensed from pump dispensers, squirt bottles and/or capped bottles.
If fresh fruits peel/husk are used as containers to hold or serve the food for consumers, they must be properly stored in the chiller. Such peel/husk must not be stacked or stored in any manner that may give rise to contamination.
6Fruit juices(including sugar cane juice)Fruit juices that are prepared in advance and not upon each order, must be stored in enclosed containers (e.g. bottles or cups with lids) and kept in chillers.
Fruits/sugar cane shall be properly stored prior to preparation/milling. They must not be placed on the floor or in a bucket of water to prevent contamination.
Only the use of enclosed sugar cane milling machine is permitted.
7Magic Ice Cream / Traditional Rainbow Ice SticksOnly pre-packed drinks obtained from approved sources can be used for such purpose. Mixing of syrups for making of ice sticks is not permitted.
The use of milk or milk-based ingredients/liquids is not permitted as curdling of milk in containers used for making ice sticks may give rise to hygiene concerns.
Making of ice-sticks must not be carried out on the floor and must not give rise to any spillage, and/or other cleanliness and hygiene issues.
Ice sticks shall be properly stored and kept covered to prevent contamination.
8Ice CreamIf fresh milk is used in making of ice-cream onsite, the milk must be pasteurised and be stored in a chiller at 4˚C or below. Any unused milk or milk-based ingredients/liquids should preferably be disposed of at the end of each operation day.
Ice-cream which is not made onsite (e.g. pre-packed or scooped) must be obtained from approved sources.
Ice-cream must be stored in a freezer with temperature gauge.
Containers shall be provided to store ice-cream cones, wafers etc.
9Cut FruitsCut fruits must be stored in a chiller with temperature gauge.
10KebabThe kebab grilling counter must be located within the demarcated stall area. Where possible, the grilling counter should be sited away from thoroughfare to minimise heat exposure for customers.

Note: Please note that if items which pose safety concerns (e.g. dry ice and liquid nitrogen etc.) are used, operators should provide suitable safety advisory to consumers (e.g. through labelling and display of notices etc.).