Can I get my AFP police check online?

Yes, you can apply for an Australian Federal Police (AFP) police check online through the AFP’s official website. Here are the steps to apply for an AFP police check online:

  1. Visit the AFP’s Online Application Portal: Go to the official Australian Federal Police website, and locate the online application portal for police checks.
  2. Create an Account: If you’re applying for the first time, you may need to create an account on the portal. This typically involves providing your email address and creating a password.
  3. Complete the Online Application Form: Fill out the online application form with the required information. This may include your personal details, reason for the police check, and consent to the check.
  4. Payment: Pay the applicable fee for the police check. The fee can vary depending on the type of check and whether you require a printed certificate. Payment methods may include credit card or online payment.
  5. Identification Verification: You may need to provide scanned copies of identification documents to verify your identity. The specific requirements will be outlined in the online application process.
  6. Submit the Application: Review all the information you’ve entered for accuracy and completeness. Once you’re satisfied, submit the application.
  7. Check the Processing Status: After submitting your application, you can often check the status of your police check online. Processing times may vary, but you can typically expect to receive the results within a few business days to a couple of weeks for standard checks.
  8. Receive the Results: Once the AFP has completed the check, you will receive the results electronically if you choose this option during the application process. You may also have the option to receive a printed certificate by mail for an additional fee.
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It’s important to note that the specific requirements and procedures for applying for an AFP police check may change over time, so it’s advisable to visit the AFP’s official website and follow the instructions provided there. Additionally, be sure to have all the necessary identification documents ready before starting the online application process, as this will help expedite the application.