Can you own 2 HDB?

A caveat for HDB owners:

  • Singaporean Citizens cannot concurrently own two HDBs, so your second home will be a private condominium or house.
  • You also can’t buy a second property once you get your HDB, as Singaporean homeowners cannot own both a HDB and private property at the same time if they are still within the MOP (Minimum Occupancy Period). After you’ve fulfilled the MOP of 5 years, you can purchase a private property. Singaporean PRs, though, will need to sell their HDB within 6 months of buying a private property.

Of course, there are others whose first home is a private property. If you are a Singaporean citizen and plan to get a HDB as a second property, you will need to sell your private property if you want to purchase a BTO. HDB resale flats can be bought anytime, as long as the private property is then sold within 6 months.

See also  Can married couple buy HDB separately?