Do we need to inform SOCSO if staff resign?

Yes, as an employer, it’s crucial to inform SOCSO (Social Security Organization) in Malaysia when an employee resigns. When an employee leaves the company or resigns from their position, notifying SOCSO about the employment termination is part of your responsibilities as an employer.

Steps to Inform SOCSO about Employee Resignation:

  1. Termination Notification:
    • When an employee resigns, update your records immediately and prepare the necessary documentation related to the termination.
  2. Submit Notification to SOCSO:
    • Inform SOCSO about the employee’s resignation by updating the employee’s status in your SOCSO records.
    • Log in to the SOCSO Assist Portal or use the relevant employer services provided by SOCSO.
  3. Employee Details Update:
    • Update the employee’s information in the SOCSO system, marking their status as ‘resigned’ or ‘terminated’ to reflect the change in employment status accurately.
  4. Contributions Adjustment:
    • Adjust contributions accordingly based on the employee’s last working month to ensure accurate reporting and compliance with SOCSO regulations.

Why is it Important?

  • Updating SOCSO about an employee’s resignation ensures accurate records and compliance with social security regulations.
  • It helps prevent any issues related to the employee’s entitlements or contributions after they have left the company.

Additional Notes:

  • Timely notification of employee resignations to SOCSO demonstrates compliance with labor regulations and ensures the proper handling of social security matters.
  • Always maintain accurate and up-to-date records of employee status changes, including resignations, for auditing and compliance purposes.

Ensuring that SOCSO is informed about employee resignations is essential to maintain accurate records and ensure compliance with social security regulations in Malaysia.