Does JTC own land?

Yes, JTC Corporation (JTC) owns and manages industrial land in Singapore. JTC is responsible for planning, promoting, and developing industrial infrastructure in Singapore, which includes acquiring and developing land for industrial use. JTC manages over 1100 industrial estates and business parks across Singapore, providing industrial land and buildings, factory space, office space, and warehousing to businesses. JTC also provides infrastructure and support services, such as power, water, telecommunications, and waste management, to ensure that businesses can operate efficiently.

JTC acquires land through various means, such as compulsory acquisition, land reclamation, and purchase from private landowners. JTC’s ownership of industrial land in Singapore enables it to plan and develop industrial estates that are strategically located and equipped with the necessary infrastructure and facilities to support businesses’ needs. Additionally, JTC actively manages its land and properties to ensure that they are used effectively and efficiently, and that they contribute to Singapore’s economic growth.

See also  Who owns JTC Singapore?