Is Hearing Australia government owned?

Australian Hearing Services (Hearing Australia) is the largest provider of government funded hearing services. Hearing Australia provides hearing services to clients eligible under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program. Its services include assessing hearing, fitting hearing devices and providing rehabilitative programs to help eligible clients manage their hearing impairment. While some services offered by Hearing … Read more

Is Hearing Australia free?

Hearing Australia, previously known as the Australian Hearing Services, is a government-funded organization that provides hearing services and support to eligible individuals in Australia. While some services offered by Hearing Australia are fully or partially subsidized by the Australian government, they are not entirely free for everyone. The eligibility for government-subsidized hearing services through Hearing … Read more

Can anyone go to Hearing Australia?

Hearing Australia provides hearing services primarily to eligible individuals in Australia. While Hearing Australia primarily serves specific groups, such as pensioners, veterans, and individuals with specific healthcare cards, the eligibility criteria can vary. Here’s a breakdown of who can access services from Hearing Australia: Voucher Scheme Eligibility: To be eligible for the voucher scheme, you … Read more

How do you get hearing tested in Australia?

Getting a hearing test in Australia typically involves the following steps: Visit Your General Practitioner (GP): If you suspect you have hearing issues or have concerns about your hearing, start by scheduling an appointment with your general practitioner (GP). They can assess your overall health and may be able to identify any underlying medical conditions … Read more