Who is a qualified person BCA?

Before starting on building works, the relevant plans (refer to Building Control Regulations: Application for approval of plans of building works) need to be submitted to BCA for approval through a Qualified Person (QP).

A QP is a person who is:

  • Registered as an Architect with the Board of Architects (BOA) or a Professional Engineer with the Professional Engineers Board (PEB)
  • Has a valid practising certificate issued by the BOA or PEB.

The appropriate QP for the different types of building works are listed in the Third Schedule of the Building Control Regulations. For example, building plans for a warehouse or factory may be submitted by an Architect or a Professional Engineer, but plans for a retaining wall must be submitted by a Professional Engineer.

Before applying

Before applying for building plan approval, the QP needs to do the following:

  1. Obtain written permission from the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)
  2. Prepare the building plans
  3. Consult the relevant technical departments and incorporate their requirements onto the building plans 

How to submit building plans

The fee should be paid at the first plan submission to BCA.

The QP will need to submit building plans with the prescribed plan fee through the CORENET e-Submission System.

The process of building plan submission is represented in the following flow chart and table.
work flow for building plan submission

Flowchart reference numberActionDetails
1QP prepares plans and provides Project Reference Number.Guidelines for Issuing Project Reference Number
2QP lodges Project Reference Number and job title with BCA. Quote the Project Reference Number in all correspondence.
3QP may consult BCA on major BCA requirements and apply for waivers with sketches.BCA gives advice in writing.
3a, 3b, 3fQP submits plans to the relevant technical departments for their advice and clearance concurrently.Guidelines on Building Plan (BP) Consultation with Technical DepartmentsQP may be in the process of obtaining Written Permission (WP) from the Development Control Division
3c, 3d, 3e If there is a delay in obtaining any clearances or a conflict in the requirements of different technical departments, QP may request BCA to table the case at the monthly IACC meeting for resolution. 
4QP submits formal BP application to BCA if:WP is obtainedAttach the WP approved by URA with BP submission.Declare that BP does not deviate from Development Control (DC) plan.The full set of DC plans is NOT required.
5BCA registers the application and checks whether QP has submitted all clearances. 
6BCA approves the application within 7 working days from the date of submission, if:All clearances are submittedBCA requirements are complied with BCA requirements are complied with   
7BCA may approve the application when any TD’s clearance is still outstanding if:BCA requirements are complied withOutstanding BP’s clearances have to be obtained and submitted prior to or with Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) or Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) application  

After approval of building plan

Before starting building works, QP, builder and the applicant must jointly apply to BCA for a permit to commence works, after obtaining structural plan approval (to include a footnote: The validity of the approval is for 24 months from the date of the last approved plans.) and planning permission.Approved Document