Is an Australian federal police check the same as a national police check?

No, an Australian Federal Police (AFP) check is not the same as a National Police Check (NPC). Though both reveal the same information about a given individual, taken from the same police records, the difference has to do with why you’re applying for a police check. These are two distinct types of background checks conducted … Read more

How long does it take to get AFP police check?

The processing time for an Australian Federal Police (AFP) police check can vary depending on several factors, including the method of application and the volume of requests at any given time. Here are some general guidelines: Online Application: Applying for an AFP police check online is typically the fastest method. In many cases, you can … Read more

How do you become an Australian federal police officer?

Becoming an Australian Federal Police (AFP) officer involves a structured recruitment process. Here are the general steps to becoming an AFP officer: Eligibility Requirements: You must be an Australian citizen. Of sound character You must be at least 18 years old. Hold a driver’s licence You should meet the medical and fitness requirements set by … Read more

How do I contact AFP?

To contact the AFP (Agence France-Presse), you can follow these steps: Visit the AFP Website: Start by visiting the official AFP website at The website may have contact information and options for reaching out to different departments or offices. Contact Information: Look for a “Contact Us” or “About Us” section on the website. In … Read more

What is the fitness test for Australian police?

The fitness test for Australian police officers can vary slightly depending on the specific police force or agency you are applying to, but there are generally common components and fitness standards that are expected. Here are the typical fitness test components for Australian police applicants: Beep Test (Multi-Stage Fitness Test): This is a timed running … Read more