Is Hearing Australia covered by Medicare?

Yes, Hearing Australia provides government-funded hearing services in Australia, and these services are partially covered by Medicare. The Australian government provides subsidies to support the cost of hearing assessments and some essential hearing services for eligible individuals through Hearing Australia. Here’s how the process generally works: Referral: To access government-subsidized hearing services through Hearing Australia, … Read more

Is Hearing Australia government owned?

Australian Hearing Services (Hearing Australia) is the largest provider of government funded hearing services. Hearing Australia provides hearing services to clients eligible under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program. Its services include assessing hearing, fitting hearing devices and providing rehabilitative programs to help eligible clients manage their hearing impairment. While some services offered by Hearing … Read more

Is Hearing Australia free?

Hearing Australia, previously known as the Australian Hearing Services, is a government-funded organization that provides hearing services and support to eligible individuals in Australia. While some services offered by Hearing Australia are fully or partially subsidized by the Australian government, they are not entirely free for everyone. The eligibility for government-subsidized hearing services through Hearing … Read more

How much does a hearing test cost in Australia?

A full diagnostic hearing assessment is where an audiologist examines your ear canal, checks your middle ear status, does hearing testing across 250-8000Hz using a combination of air and bone conduction and masks appropriately.  It usually also includes speech testing and evaluating your current hearing issues.  This testing is generally done in a sound treated … Read more

How much is the maintenance fee for hearing aid Australia?

The cost of maintaining hearing devices can add up. Maintenance agreements are an easy and cost-effective way to take care of your hearing device. If you choose a maintenance agreement, you may be required to pay an annual fee and the program pays the provider a subsidy. Your provider will supply you with batteries throughout … Read more

What level of hearing loss requires a hearing aid?

The criteria for receiving a hearing aid in Australia are typically based on a clinical evaluation by an audiologist or hearing healthcare professional rather than a specific level of hearing loss. The decision to recommend a hearing aid is influenced by various factors, including the degree of hearing loss, the impact of hearing loss on … Read more

Can anyone go to Hearing Australia?

Hearing Australia provides hearing services primarily to eligible individuals in Australia. While Hearing Australia primarily serves specific groups, such as pensioners, veterans, and individuals with specific healthcare cards, the eligibility criteria can vary. Here’s a breakdown of who can access services from Hearing Australia: Voucher Scheme Eligibility: To be eligible for the voucher scheme, you … Read more

Can my doctor refer me to an audiologist in Australia

Yes, your Doctor/General Practitioner can refer you to an audiologist if you have concerns about your hearing or if a hearing assessment is deemed necessary. Audiologists are healthcare professionals who specialize in assessing and managing hearing-related issues. Here’s how the process generally works: Consultation with Your GP: If you have concerns about your hearing, you … Read more

Do I go to my GP for a hearing test?

You do not necessarily need to visit your General Practitioner (GP) for a routine hearing test. Instead, you can directly contact a hearing clinic, audiologist, or hearing care provider to schedule a hearing assessment. Hearing tests are usually conducted by qualified audiologists or hearing specialists who specialize in assessing and addressing hearing-related concerns. Here are … Read more

Do I need to book an appointment for a hearing test?

Yes, it is generally advisable to book an appointment for a hearing test in advance, especially if you are seeking a hearing assessment from a hearing clinic or audiologist. Booking an appointment ensures that you receive timely and dedicated attention from a qualified professional. Here are the steps to book an appointment for a hearing … Read more