In what circumstances is a seller allowed to refuse a refund?

Sellers in Australia are allowed to refuse a refund in specific circumstances, primarily when the reasons for the refund request do not align with the consumer guarantees provided under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). It’s important to understand these circumstances, as they help determine whether a refund is legally required. Here are some situations in … Read more

Does Australian Consumer Law apply to online purchases?

Yes, the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) applies to online purchases in Australia. The ACL is technology-neutral, which means it covers consumer transactions regardless of whether they occur in physical stores or online. This includes purchases made through websites, mobile apps, or other online platforms. Here are some key points to understand regarding the application of … Read more

Is a consumer always entitled to a refund?

No, a consumer is not always entitled to a refund in Australia. Whether or not a consumer is entitled to a refund depends on the specific circumstances and the reasons for seeking a refund. The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) provides certain consumer guarantees and rights, but these guarantees are subject to various factors, including the … Read more

Am I entitled to a refund under Australian Consumer Law?

Under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL), you are entitled to a refund, replacement, or repair if you purchase goods or services in Australia that do not meet certain consumer guarantees. These guarantees ensure that the products and services you purchase are of acceptable quality, fit for their intended purpose, and match their descriptions. Here are … Read more

What is the consumer law in Australia?

Consumer law in Australia is a set of laws and regulations that protect the rights and interests of consumers when they engage in commercial transactions and purchase goods and services. The primary piece of legislation governing consumer law in Australia is the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA), which includes the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) … Read more