How much does a hearing test cost in Australia?

A full diagnostic hearing assessment is where an audiologist examines your ear canal, checks your middle ear status, does hearing testing across 250-8000Hz using a combination of air and bone conduction and masks appropriately.  It usually also includes speech testing and evaluating your current hearing issues.  This testing is generally done in a sound treated … Read more

Can my doctor refer me to an audiologist in Australia

Yes, your Doctor/General Practitioner can refer you to an audiologist if you have concerns about your hearing or if a hearing assessment is deemed necessary. Audiologists are healthcare professionals who specialize in assessing and managing hearing-related issues. Here’s how the process generally works: Consultation with Your GP: If you have concerns about your hearing, you … Read more

How do you get hearing tested in Australia?

Getting a hearing test in Australia typically involves the following steps: Visit Your General Practitioner (GP): If you suspect you have hearing issues or have concerns about your hearing, start by scheduling an appointment with your general practitioner (GP). They can assess your overall health and may be able to identify any underlying medical conditions … Read more