What is covered under Socso?

SOCSO (Social Security Organization) in Malaysia provides coverage to employees against various work-related contingencies and social security benefits. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what is covered under SOCSO:

1. Employment Injury Scheme (EIS):

  1. Work-Related Accidents:
    • Coverage for injuries sustained by employees during the course of employment, including accidents at the workplace or while commuting to and from work.
  2. Occupational Diseases:
    • Protection against diseases directly related to occupational hazards or exposures in the workplace.
  3. Disabilities:
    • Assistance for employees who become disabled due to work-related incidents, including temporary or permanent disabilities.
  4. Benefits Provided:
    • Medical treatment, rehabilitation services, temporary or permanent disability benefits, constant attendance allowance, and vocational training for reintegration into the workforce.

2. Invalidity Pension Scheme (IPS):

  1. Invalidity and Disabilities:
    • Coverage for individuals who become permanently incapacitated or disabled due to causes unrelated to their work.
  2. Monthly Pension:
    • Provision of a monthly pension to individuals who are assessed as permanently disabled and unable to work due to non-employment-related causes.

3. Other Coverage:

  1. Death Benefits:
    • Compensation to the dependents of employees who suffer fatal accidents or disabilities resulting in death.
  2. Rehabilitation Services:
    • Assistance and services to facilitate the rehabilitation and reintegration of disabled employees into the workforce.

Important Notes:

  • SOCSO provides comprehensive coverage for employees against work-related injuries, disabilities, occupational diseases, and other covered contingencies.
  • Employees covered under SOCSO benefit from medical treatment, financial assistance, disability benefits, and rehabilitation services, among others, depending on the nature of the incident and the coverage provided.

Consultation and Assistance:

  • For detailed information on coverage, benefits, claims, and eligibility criteria, employees and employers should refer to SOCSO’s official documentation, guidelines, or contact SOCSO directly for assistance and clarification.
See also  Is Travelling allowance subject to Socso and EIS?

Understanding the coverage provided by SOCSO is crucial for both employees and employers to ensure proper knowledge of the benefits and support available in case of work-related contingencies or incidents in the workplace.