InLIS POI stands for “Proof of Identity” in the Integrated Library Information System (InLIS) used by public libraries in Singapore. The POI system is used to verify the identity of library patrons who are borrowing resources from the libraries. The POI system in InLIS requires library patrons to provide proof of identity, such as a … Read more

Inlis Proof of Ownership

InLIS (Integrated Library Information System) is a platform used by public libraries in Singapore to manage and integrate library services and collections. One of the key features of InLIS is the proof of ownership system, which ensures that the resources available in public libraries are properly managed and accessible to all members of the community. … Read more

What is Inlis used for?

InLIS is an acronym for “Integrated Library Information System”, and it refers to a system used in Singapore to manage and integrate the services and collections of public libraries in the country. InLIS is used to provide a seamless and convenient user experience for library patrons, who can access information and services from any participating … Read more

Inlis Singapore

INLIS (Integrated Land Information Service) is a one-stop portal which allows you to obtain property and land survey information such as property ownership information and survey plans provided by Singapore Land Authority. You can also obtain road line plans and railway protection plans provided by Land Transport Authority. You can access INLIS from 8.00am to … Read more